The Divine Prayer – Listen to this one-minute prayer to manifest

This One-Minute Prayer From Biblical Times Manifests Wealth And Abundance Into Your Life…  If you’re a spiritual person and empath looking to better the world and yourself…

Then this will be the most important message you read all day. Because once you hear this Divine Prayer. You will finally break the curse of poverty. And restore your connection with the Universe. Allowing you to ask, manifest and receive an abundance of blessings.

=> Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now.

The universe wants to bless you with wealth and abundance


The law of attraction does not work – listen to this one minute prayer to affirm your blessing instead. Have you ever wondered why you haven’t been able to manifest?

It’s simple. If you’re a spiritual person who is looking to change their life and that of your close circle.

You need something different.

So pay close attention to this message.

Because once you hear this one minute prayer.

You will start attracting wealth and abundance in less than 7 days.

And blessings will be flooded into your life.

You will finally break the curse of poverty.

And restore your connection with God.

Allowing you to ask, manifest and receive His blessings.


Not too long ago a manuscript was discovered in Jerusalem.

This manuscript described the Divine Prayer that can create the dream life of everyone who listens to it.

But there’s a problem…

The Vatican demanded this be kept under lock and key.

And that this would ONLY be used by high-ranking church officials…

To me, this is a crime against humanity.

They are trying to suppress this message.

And have already succeeded once.

That’s why you MUST hurry up.

=> Click the link below to hear the Divine Prayer.


The Richest Man In History Used This To Manifest Abundance


How The Richest Man In History Used This Divine One-Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance Into His Kingdom…

Mansa Musa was so rich that today’s billionaires like Elon Musk, Warren Buffet and Bill Gates would look like peasants to him.

What’s more… Mansa Musa was GENEROUS.

He threw gold coins to anyone and everyone he met.

How was he able to manifest such blessings?

Mansa Musa was a devout believer and a deeply spiritual person.

And used the power of prayer to manifest wealth and abundance.

Historians recently discovered a manuscript in Jerusalem.

This manuscript described a one-minute prayer to manifest anything.

But high-ranking church officials demanded this be kept under lock and key.

Because once you hear this Divine Prayer…

You will finally break the curse of poverty…

And restore your connection with God…

Allowing you to ask, manifest and receive His blessings.

=> Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now


How kings manifested wealth and abundance with ease


How The Greatest Christian King Used This One Minute Prayer To Manifest Wealth And Abundance… Baldwin the Fourth otherwise was as the Leper King… He Suffered from a disease so bad his skin was falling off.

And had to wear a mask to not frighten his servants. It got so bad he could only move his right arm. Despite this suffering and bad luck he went on to create one of the Greatest Christian Empires.

Full of wealth and abundance for everyone. Historians asked how this was possible… And it remained an unanswered question for a long time.


But recently – a manuscript from King Baldwin was discovered in an old church in Jerusalem.

This manuscript described a one-minute prayer to manifest anything. But high-ranking church officials demanded this be kept under lock and key. They DEMANDED that only the rich can use this. This is a great sin against humanity.

As Jesus said:

“The First Shall Be Last, And The Last Shall Be First” Because once you hear this Divine Prayer… You will finally break the curse of poverty… And restore your connection with God… Allowing you to ask, manifest and receive His blessings.

>> Listen to the One-Minute Prayer now <<